
Excellent event on the Digital Workplace

Kluwer has recently launched the website for its upcoming event on the Digital Workplace. This event will take place on December 8th in Antwerp, and I expect it will be the most interesting Belgian event on this topic this year.

Kluwer Digital Workplace Event

The opening key note is by Dion Hinchcliffe, together with Kluwers Isabel De Clercq, on the digital transformation that will enable organisations to fully empower the employees to work efficiently together. And we all want that!
I have been following Dion on Twitter for some time now, and I look forward to listen him live. I have met Isabel at a Microsoft event last year, and I am a fan of her work in the Lighthouse Yammer group on NWOW in Flanders (Dutch).

The closing talk will be by John Stepper, who recently published the book “Working out loud“. I’m curious to learn about what he calls Working out loud circles. It is great to see all this progress towards a more sharing, collaborating way of work.
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